Engagement survey globally

My client is a multi-national organisation operating in several languages. What is the best way to survey this multi-location, multi-lingual population?


We are our sector's Babel Fish*

Whether your client already has their own questionnaire that they simply need improving through web-enabling or a report written, or whether they wish to take advantage of our off-the-shelf engagement survey we are able to support multi-language administration of the survey. And if we don't already have the language your client needs in our off-the-shelf tool, then we can work with you to get this in place.

* If this reference eludes you, the Babel Fish was invented by Douglas Adams in his book 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'. You put the fish in your ear (really!) and it translated every known language in the universe into your language. But don't taker our word for it. It's a good book.