Giotto - Test of Integrity

Giotto is a measure of integrity that has been designed for use in the workplace. Integrity is defined here as the conflict and balance between our instincts (ie vices) and our ability to reason (ie our virtues).

Designed using a ipsative forced-choice format, the Giotto test of Integrity recognises that life is a series of choices and actions that are made in the context within which we are operating and therefore, our 'integrity' will change over time and across situations. Giotto can be particularly useful for selection and in the development of individuals - especially in ethics training. The Giotto test indicates particular attitudes to an individual's work-based behaviour that can then be further investigated during the interview process.

Giotto provides an accurate and reliable measure of a candidate's strengths and weaknesses, across 7 dimensions.

Giotto can highlight candidate risk areas such as::

  • Carelessness, accident proneness and lack of attention

  • Lack of commitment, absenteeism and tardiness

  • Propensity for violence, hostile behaviour and intimidation

  • Disciplinary problems, subversion and intolerance

  • Disrespect for senior managers, overbearing behaviour and arrogance

  • Theft of company property, wasteful use of resources and failure to share

  • Inability to cope with change, or lack of self-confidence.

Delivered online, the untimed test takes approximately 20 minutes to complete requiring the candidate to respond to 101 items.

Features and Benefits

  • A versatile, supplementary tool valuable across a range of situations from selection through to individual development
  • Provides an insight into an important but a traditionally difficult to assess area

Areas of use:

Selection, Corporate culture benchmarking,Individual Development


The Giotto integrity test generates a narrative report, a sample of which can be downloaded here.

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At a glance

To assess the integrity of the individual

Target group
Managers and professionals

Approximately 20 minutes - untimed

Delivery options
Fully outsourced to be managed by Getfeedback or, providing that the user meets the accreditation requirements, can be managed in-house

Customisable options
Can be branded to meet your requirements

Accreditation requirement
British Psychological Society (BPS) Level B accreditation or by Getfeedback providing feedback on the report at an additional cost

Recognition as a high quality tool
Conforms to BPS and American Psychological Association guidelines

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