The SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32) is the most widely used measure of behavioural style in the world. The OPQ32 is designed to provide businesses with information on the aspects of an individual's behavioural style that will impact on their performance at work.


The OPQ32 is the latest and most comprehensive version of the OPQ. It provides detailed information on 32 specific personality characteristics which underpin performance on key job competencies critical for graduates, managers and experienced hires.
Delivered online using a forced choice format and available in over 30 languages the OPQ32r provides an accessible and accurate measure of personality to assist with recruitment and development decisions. The new question format also means that the survey is shorter taking most a candidates approximately 30 minutes to complete.
The OPQ32 uses an ipsative forced choice format:
Areas of use
The OPQ32 helps thousands of organisations to deliver the following results:
Selection, development
- Identify best-fit applicants against job competencies
- Improve interview hit rates
- Identify future leaders
- Re-deploy talent across the business
- Recommend senior managers for cross border engagements
- Evaluate the talent pool following a merger/acquisition/restructure
- Create a project team
- Manage the transformation of a technical specialist to an effective people manager.
Features and Benefits
- Developed specifically for the workplace
- Reports have been designed for use in businesses, by business managers
- Reports are targeted, user-friendly and professional with clear, concise, graphical summaries of performance against job competencies
- Reports show potential strengths and areas for development
Reporting Options
Getfeedback can provide all 21 report types for the OPQ32 - Sample of some of the more commonly used repors can be found below:
- Profile Chart: For experienced OPQ users. Provides a summary of the candidate's scores. To view a sample report click here.
- Manager Report: This provides a brief narrative report to be used as a basis for providing written feedback to line managers. Does not include any technical OPQ information such as the profile chart or graphical scales. To view a sample report click here.
- User Report: Includes profile chart and narrative text and focuses on an individual's likely way of behaving at work. Can be used as an aid for providing feedback or writing reports. Is structured by profile sections and includes graphical scales. To view a sample report click here
Next steps?
Get in touch today and speak with one of our highly experience consultants to discuss you requirements and how we can support you getting started.
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At a glance
To measure the preferred work style and behaviours to provide an in-depth insight across the key competencies required in graduate, management and leadership positions
Target group
General staff and managers
Approximately 35-45 minutes - untimed
For access to the full list of available languages click here
Delivery options
Fully outsourced to be managed by Getfeedback or, providing that the user meets the accreditation requirements, can be managed in-house.
Customisable options
Can be branded to meet your requirements
Accreditation Requirement
OPQ32 trained.
Recognition as a high quality tool
Conforms to BPS guidelines
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+44 (0) 333 090 2580