This is a specific report that can be generated after a number of people complete the Orpheus personality questionnaire. The Orpheus TPQ combines the individual scores to reflect the impact of the individuals' strengths and weaknesses when individuals form a team.

Orpheus Team Potential Questionnaire (TPQ)

The habitual styles of the individuals can translate into the operating practices of the entire team and by simply changing one person, the style of operating or working may change. By understanding how the team works, its strengths and weaknesses, the team is able to build on the strengths and manage the collective weaknesses. The report suggests the optimal environment for a particular team and also indicates how a team is likely to perform within a particular environment.
The report draws on the seven dimensions of the Orpheus questionnaire:
Proficiency; Work Orientation; Patience; Fair-mindedness; Loyalty; Disclosure; Initiative
This report has been developed in conjunction with Professor John Rust and can only be purchased from GFB.
Features and Benefits
- A team oriented assessment based on the popular Orpheus personality measure
- Developed specifically for use with teams
- Provides an easy to understand profile and report
- Focuses solely on the team as a whole, providing tips and advice to maximise the potential of the team
Areas of use:
Managing teams
Click here to view a sample of the Orpheus TPQ report.
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At a glance
To assess the working styles and potential of a specific team
Target group
All staff
Approximately 25 minutes - untimed
Delivery options
Fully outsourced to be managed by Getfeedback or, providing that the user meets the accreditation requirements, can be managed in-house.
Customisable options
Can be branded to meet your requirements
Accreditation requirement
British Psychological Society (BPS) Level B accreditation or by Getfeedback providing feedback on the report at an additional cost
Recognition as a high quality tool
Conforms to BPS and American Psychological Association guidelines
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+44 (0) 333 090 2580