The building blocks of personal development through 360 - enhanced by Johari
360° feedback enables individuals to get a clear view of how others perceive the way they work. It provides a unique opportunity to gain an understanding of the impact behaviours have on an individual's personal success and on those they work with. A well run 360 degree feedback survey can produce enormous benefits, for the individuals taking part and for the company which employs them.
At Getfeedback we believe that career and personal success is gained from actively managing an individual’s development. Personal development is a journey. The end point of the journey is enhanced personal effectiveness and increased positive impact. The aim of 360 degree feedback is to set individuals off on that development journey by raising awareness of what individuals currently do that makes them successful. 360 is just one of the tools that we offer to help individuals to identify where their strengths and areas for development lie.
Getfeedback 360s are used by 1000s of individuals each month and are built on best practice and leading edge technology. We provide a range of off the shelf tools alongside bespoke 360 options to meet all our client 360 requirements whatever their project size. Many of the clients we are now working with are familiar with the 360 process, its benefits and the route to implementing a successful 360 project and are now looking for ways of enhansing their organisations experience of 360.
Here at Getfeedback we often have the benefit of not only offering the online collection of data and reporting but also providing a number of clients with 1:1 feedback for those undergoing 360 feedback - like we undertook for the senior leadership team at the CIPD.
At Getfeedback we are constantly looking at ways to improve messaging, interpretation and drive for individuals' self-awareness. In reviewing both our own experience of 360 and that of our clients, we have found that the inclusion of our adapted Johari Window plot of 360 responses helps enormously in swiftly and effectively highlighting individual areas of strength, self-awareness and focus - a great starting point for any development conversation. The Getfeedback tool provides the option to review an individual’s 360 feedback data plotted on a Johari window and this option is now included as standard in all of our off the shelf 360s.
The Johari Window was originally developed in the mid 1950's by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham and the name is in fact derived from an amalgamation of the founders first names. It is one of the fundamental tools used in leadership training and has a natural fit with the data collected during the 360 degree feedback process. In summary, the model is based on the understanding that there are areas of development that individuals are aware of, those that are known, and those that are not known—both to ourselves and to others. Understanding these areas and their impact on behaviours, provides individuals with a greater understanding of the areas of development which will have the greatest impact on their behavioural performance.
Getfeedback’s 360 Johari window display breaks feedback provided into 4 quadrants:
The data display is broken down against the competencies assessed. The example above is taken from one of our off the shelf tools and is based on the 11 behaviours in the Schroder Model of high performance.
Known strength behaviours are those where individual respondents and all 'others' gave an average rating above 3.5 for the statements relating to that behaviour. This means an individual and their respondents are in agreement that you use the behaviours with a high degree of skill on a consistent basis.
Known area for development behaviours are those where both an individual and all 'others' have given an average rating below 3.5 for the statements relating to that behaviour. This means that an individual and their respondents are in agreement that you do not use the behaviours consistently or that you use them at a basic level.
Hidden strength behaviours are those where 'others' have given an average rating of over 3.5, but an individual has rated this below 3.5. These behaviours are therefore hidden strengths as they are ones that an individual is not aware that they use at such a high level with such consistency.
Blind spot behaviours are those where an individual has rated the statements on average over 3.5, but 'others' have rated them below 3.5. This means that they think they use the behaviours more consistently than they actually do.
The average rating of 3.5 is taken from our analysis of typical 360 scores based on clients using a 5 point rating scale, however this chart can be redrawn for clients with 360s using other scales. (For our research on the optimum scale please click here).
Feedback is at the heart of understanding what's working, as well as what's not working. After all, without feedback, we tend to create our own realities. In an age of limited development time and resources, the use of the Johari window data display as part of a 360 project leads to clearer data interpretation and understanding, which in turn allows for more meaningful, targeted development focused feedback.
Take a look at some of the other reporting options available as part of Getfeedback’s standard off the shelf and bespoke tools here, take a look at one of our standard reports, or contact the team to discuss your 360 requirements: 03330 902 580 info@getfeedback.net.