We're at an exciting stage in Getfeedback’s development and yet since our launch in 2000 the same core values have informed everything that we do and will continue to do so.
The Company...
...is unstuffy, has a flat management structure, is young in spirit and mind, values straight talking, takes work-life balance seriously and expects to be the best at what it does. Getfeedback wants to be acknowledged as a thought leader, is committed to original research and adopts a psychologically minded approach to things, supported by science and reinforced by business understanding.
Our team...
...share common values, focus on the job in hand and work to ensure we deliver on promises, have a life outside work, know their stuff (and know different stuff from each other), put customers first, value but challenge each other, take criticism as an opportunity to develop and deliver to the best of their ability.
Our jobs...
...don't confine you to one type of work. You get to deal with our biggest customers on a variety of projects. Our work involves learning as well as applying knowledge. Our jobs don't suit know-it-alls or shrinking violets: they suit confident team players.
Our goal...
...to be recognised by our customers as the best at what we do...consistently.
For more information on the history of the company check out Our Story.