Welcome to Getfeedback's regular update
Once again we have been busy living up to our reputation of innovators in the psychometric and surveys arena and, over the last few weeks, have launched four new tests to help meet our customer needs more closely:
Remember, Getfeedback offers the widest range of online psychometric tests on the market, all tested by our expert psychologists and supported by professional advice when you need it.
We like to keep our ears to the ground and respond quickly to our customers’ needs. So if you have a specific challenge you are trying to solve, let me know.
Heather Eachus
Measuring leadership style
Aimed at existing and developing leaders, the SHL Leadership report provides a detailed insight into an individual’s leadership capability by:
- Analyzing his or her unique style of operating
- Suggesting the areas of leadership in which he or she has the potential to excel
- Suggesting areas he or she finds more challenging
This report is ideal for:
- Selection and recruitment
- Leadership succession
- Self-development
- Leadership team integration
- Developing and nurturing the talents of future leaders
To find out more click here or contact us at info@getfeedback.net or speak to James Shimmen on 01491 845532.
New aptitude test
Talent Q’s Elements, an innovative verbal, numerical and logical reasoning assessment battery provides a new way of measuring aptitude. Suitable for any level of candidates, these self adapting psychometrics will automatically tailor themselves to the candidate’s level and accurately assess their ability. This system offers considerable time efficiency over other assessments whilst retaining high levels of psychometric rigour. The randomised experience and adaptability of the test also ensures that it is suitable for unsupervised assessment and a verification test is also available if required.
To find out more click here or contact us at info@getfeedback.net or speak to James Shimmen on 01491 845532.
So you want to measure personality?
Talent Q’s Dimensions is a new and efficient option for measuring personality. It provides information on an individual’s personality broken down into 3 broad areas:
- People and Relationships
- Tasks and Projects, and
- Drives and Emotions
The Dimensions tool is designed to be used across all sectors, and functions and levels and can be used to aid selection, development and team building projects. A range of reports are available to provide the most appropriate outputs for your requirements.
To find out more click here or contact us at info@getfeedback.net or speak to James Shimmen on 01491 845532.
SHL’s ability test Verify is now available in 20 languages
The SHL Verify range of ability tests assesses numerical and verbal reasoning and is used to measure these skills early in the recruitment process. The numerical and verbal tests can be completed together or used separately. We are now able to provide these in over 20 languages!
To find out more click here or contact us at info@getfeedback.net or speak to James Shimmen on 01491 845532.
How do I implement a successful 360 degree feedback survey?
In this new section, our experts make recommendations on a topic put forward by our customers. Here are our top 10 priorities to successfully implement a 360 Feedback survey.
- 1. The introduction and implementation of a 360 Feedback survey must be very carefully planned and carried out. This includes having clearly articulated and communicated what the objectives and the benefits of the survey are and how they are linked to your organisation’s objectives.
- 2. Ensure that sensitive, ethical issues and best practice considerations are fully taken into account. For example, to maintain feedback confidentiality, enough raters should be found for each person being rated. Consider using internal and external customers and suppliers as well as the usual direct reports and peers.
- 3. For consistency and fairness, rating should be done against a competency framework. The framework needs to be well established and understood and form part of the job description. If necessary, in the survey, provide a clear description of each behaviour and examples of how it can be demonstrated.
- 4. To be credible the survey should start at the top management. If your organization is very large, consider a phased roll out, opening the survey to the top levels of the organization, and extending it down over time.
- 5. Adapt the questionnaire to the rater’s language and culture. Behavioural expectations will vary from one country to the next and therefore some expectations might need to be explained before raters are expected to put forward their opinion.
- 6. Choose a suitable timing: Make sure the questionnaires are sent when most of those involved will have time to give it proper attention and synchronise with the launch of the yearly corporate training and development plan. Communicate the rational for selecting raters and the timetable for questionnaires well in advance. This will ensure that the response time allowed (usually two weeks) is not used to answer these questions but for the questionnaire itself.
- 7. Don't over-burden middle managers: By deciding carefully how to phase the 360 or by approving the raters nominated by each participant, you will ensure that line managers are not solicited too many times as inevitably the quality of the feedback would suffer.
- 8. Whenever possible, use technology to reduce the burden and cost of the surveys. This will free up some of your time to concentrate on the training and development and communication plans.
- 9. Communicate the results to all, ensuring that you strike the right balance between rich and meaningful information whilst respecting confidentiality. To show how important the results are to the management, ensure that they are presented by someone senior. Synchronise the presentation with the launch of the annual training and development plan.
- 10. Those who have been assessed will expect a professional and confidential feedback meeting together with a development discussion. Ensure that every meeting takes place and provide training or, if possible, a trained facilitator.
To read more about 360 Feedback surveys visit our website.
To receive a free copy of our guide entitled 'how to implement a 360 Feedback survey', email james.shimmen@getfeedback.net.
Have you got a question for our experts? If so, send it to info@getfeedback.net.
How to sell an engagement survey to senior management
So you know your organisation is in need of some valuable staff feedback. You recently brought this up to your management but were given the cold shoulder. ‘It isn’t the right time’, ‘we have other priorities’, ‘we haven’t got the resources at the moment’ … Does this sound familiar?
Don’t worry! you are not on your own. Research shows that there are still too many chief executives and senior managers who are unaware of the benefits of employee engagement¹. Under half of chief financial officers only appear to understand the return on their investments in human capital².
At Getfeedback our role is to support HR professionals deliver first class talent management. Engagement is not just essential to any organisation: in today’s difficult times, it might make the difference between keeping and losing critical key position holders.
Engagement is so important that the Department for Business (BIS) commissioned a review from David McLeod and Nita Clarke to take an in-depth look at employee engagement and to report on its potential benefits for organisations and employees.
We’ve reviewed the report and extracted the most important points which will enable you to go to your senior managers and convince them that engagement is a priority.
Click here for the summary.
¹David MacLeod and Nita Clarke, ‘Engaging for success: enhancing performance through employee engagement’, 2009
²Accenture (2008) ‘An Accenture point of view on employee engagement, what it is, why it matters, how you can change it’.