Welcome to Getfeedback's regular update
At Getfeedback we understand the challenges our customers are facing, especially at the moment. So we have been busy living up to our reputation of innovators in the psychometric and surveys arena and, over the last few weeks, have launched four new products to help meet our customer needs more closely:
Read on to find out more about these new offerings
We like to keep our ears to the ground and respond quickly to our customers’ needs. So if you have a specific challenge you are trying to solve, let me know.
Heather Eachus
Are you finding it challenging to recruit good sales people? Getfeedback can reduce the risk
Targeted to those in more senior sales roles, we have just launched SHL’s Sales Report which serves to identify top sales performers and build an effective, high calibre sales team. The report is generated from the Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32), and SHL’s Motivational Questionnaire. It measures candidates against a framework of essential stages within the sales cycle to identify the strengths and weaknesses required for success in key sales roles. The SHL Sales Report is the essential tool to use alongside a review of a candidate’s experience, knowledge and ability.
Getfeedback’s consultants have trialled and evaluated the questionnaire thoroughly and we are pleased to announce that we found it well conceived and very useful and have added it to our suite of tests for our customers to access.
Find out more
Are you looking to run your first engagement survey? If so read on…
At Getfeedback we know how daunting it can be to set up an engagement survey for the first time. Where should I start? What questions should I ask? How can I maximise response rates? And how can I make sense of the responses and turn these into useful actions which will make a difference to my organisation?
Look no further. The new Getfeedback suite of employee engagement surveys cater for all company sizes and industries and can help to solve all of the above and more.
Find out more
Do you need to fill senior positions quickly?
With an increase in applicants our customers have been relying more on assessment tools to differentiate between quality candidates. We’ve responded to this increasing need for precision by introducing a one day assessment centre. Aimed at between 4 and 12 candidates at a time, the assessment centre uses a variety of precision measurement techniques, including psychometric tests and behavioural interviews. Assessment centres are the best way to compare candidates on an even footing and fill positions quickly.
Contact us at info@getfeedback.net or speak to James Shimmen on 01491 845532 to find out more.
Getfeedback launches a new client portal. Have you used it yet?
We have just launched a brand new portal for clients who want to set up and manage their own tests and surveys. Having evaluated a number of interfaces from renowned publishers and listened to our customers’ feedback, we believe we have come up with a fantastic user friendly platform full of great new features.
Click here to find out more about it and see what else is in the development pipeline.
Not already using our self-service?
Contact us at info@getfeedback.net or speak to James Shimmen on 01491 845532
Personality is strongly linked to job performance. Are you assessing it?
Companies want proof that personality assessments predict job performance. Hogan recently published the Hogan Business Outcome Highlights, a study which provides nine case studies that demonstrate the relationship between personality and job performance. Highlights from the study include companies that achieved an $8 million ROI, 16% lower accident rates, $175,000 more in individual sales, and reduced turnover by 30%.
Read more about the Hogan personality test
E–Learning – Has it replaced face-to-face training?
Today e-learning is used in a wide variety of environments such as organisations or universities. Research shows that users who learn via these tools are satisfied with their experience. So is face-to-face training dead? Tiffany Bowles, consultant, coach and trainer, explains why there definitely is a place for face-to-face training.
Find out why
10 things to do NOW to improve employee engagement
It may be low on your list of HR priorities at the moment, but research has shown time and time again that workforce engagement provides huge productivity benefits. And when is it more important to ensure your team understands the vision, the reasons behind the vision and the changes taking place, than when there is uncertainty fuelled by the media and ‘corridor conversations’?
Click here to read our list of the 10 things we can do now to get our workforce in tune with the organisation, engaged with our objectives and delivering the discretionary effort we need to tap into.