Getfeedback's Bespoke 360�feedback service
Perhaps you already have a 360° feedback survey that you run internally, or you have just designed and implemented a new competency framework for your organisation? In either situation it’s essential that you, the organisation and the individuals taking part get the most out of any 360° feedback process.
There’s no denying that a bespoke survey is likely to reap the greatest benefits. A survey that uses your language and is precisely aligned to your goals is going to yield the most valuable information for your employees to work with and act upon. Creating a survey that has a look and feel that your employees connect with can help to create buy in as well as reinforce the company’s values for its people. We can brand your survey to meet your requirements.

The first stage would be to validate your framework or existing survey - this is to check that it is really measuring what you want and what you need it to. We have extensive experience, gathered over many years, of designing and validating competency frameworks. This is a really important step. Employees participating in the survey need to be able to precisely identify what they need to be doing to improve their performance so that it has a direct impact on the organisation’s performance.
If a survey needs to be designed one of our consultants will work with you to write behavioural statements that are clear, precise and important for your organisation. When this has been done we’ll set up your survey on our secure online platform. You can then administer the survey yourself (with training on how to do this from us) or we can manage the whole process for you.
We can also advise on how to engage and communicate with those taking part in the survey before it launches. If you need advice on how to deliver the feedback to individuals we can help you. It’s not only the survey that can be customised. You can choose between our effective standard reports, or we can, for example, work with you to create a development report that doubles up as a workbook to support your employees’ development.
Whichever option you select you can do so safe in the knowledge that you are working with a team who understand people and know how to get the very best out of them.
Case studies:
Frequently Asked Questions on 360° Surveys
Our experts’ top 10 priorities for implementing at 360° feedback survey successfully