The Leadership Dimensions Questionnaire, developed and published by Prof Victor Dulewicz and Prof Malcolm Higgs, was produced when they concluded that their initial Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire could be further developed into a questionnaire to measure and examine the components of emotionally intelligent leadership. The roots of the LDQ lie in the authors original emotional intelligence model, but incorporates an important distinction between interpersonal and personal, encompassing 4 components; personal enablers, interpersonal enablers, drivers and constrainers.

The Leadership Dimensions Questionnaire

Emotional intelligence is still one of the most talked about topics surrounding conversations on performance and success specifically when it comes to leadership, with employees being 400% less likely to leave their job if they have an emotionally intelligent manager or leader.
The LDQ is based on the original emotional intelligence model with distinctions between interpersonal and personal. It includes 4 components (personal enablers, interpersonal enablers, drivers and constrainers) which are made up of 15 dimensions:
- Personal Enabler- Critical Analysis and Judgement, Visions and Imagination, Strategic Perspective, Self-Awareness, Emotional Resilience and Intuitiveness.
- Interpersonal Enabler- Engaging Communication, Managing Resources, Empowering, Developing, Interpersonal Sensitivity and Influencing.
- Drivers- Motivation and Achieving
- Constrainer- Conscientiousness
The LDQ is unique to the market, providing an indication of the leadership style the respondent is likely to exhibit based on his or her responses to the questionnaire. It then compares the predominant style to that which would seem to be effective given the change context using the Organisational Context sub-scale. This is a valuable insight as we understand the context within which leaders operate is a major factor mediating their performance. The author identified 3 distinct leadership styles derived from different profiles of the 15 dimensions:
- Engaging Leadership- A style based on a high level of empowerment and involvement appropriate in a highly transformational context in which the organisation is facing radical change that impacts many aspects of the business. Such a style is focused on producing radical change with high levels of engagement and commitment.
- Involving Leadership- A style that is based on a transitional context in which the organisation which faces significant, but not necessarily radical changes in its business model or modus operandi. Having said this, it may be that within any subsystem some element of radical change may be required. However, the core business model remains unchanged.
- Goal-Oriented Leadership- A style that is focused on delivering results within a relatively stable context. This is a leader-led style aligned to a stable organisation delivering clearly understood results. This is not to say that no change is involved. It may be that incremental adjustment may be taking place in a number of aspects of the business but these are likely to be peripheral to the core business model.
Leaders are presented with a number of statements and asked to rate each on how they feel it related to their own feeling and behaviour. An example can be seen below:
Getfeedback provide a comprehensive report output for the Leadership Dimensions Questionnaire. Sample reports can be downloaded below:
The Leadership Dimensions Questionnaire Sample Report
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At a glance
To measure emotionally intelligent leadership
Target group
171 items
20- 25 minutes- untimed
Can be used alongside
Personality measures such as Orpheus and OPQ
Delivery options
Fully outsourced to be managed by Getfeedback or, providing that the user meets the accreditation requirements, can be managed in-house
Accreditation requirement
British Psychological Society (BPS) Level B accreditation
Recognition as a high quality tool
Conforms to BPS and American Psychological Association guidelines
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