We've found that many of our customers simply come to us for advice on what to use in a given situation - so we've made it easy and packaged these for you.

Talent-in-a-box Managerial Staff Recruitment

Talent in a Box - Selection of managerial level staff combines into one assessment package:
Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal
This selection of tools will provide you with a comprehensive insight into investigating reasoning ability, personality and motivation.By assessing across these areas, you will gain an holistic view of your candidate.
Features and Benefits
A collection of the most popular selection tools, combined into one easy battery for use with your candidates during selection
Areas for use
Next steps?
Get in touch today and speak with one of our highly experience consultants to discuss you requirements and how we can support you getting started.
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At a glance
To provide a comprehensive assessment for selection
Target group
Managers and professionals
Approximately 120 minutes
Delivery options
Fully outsourced to be managed by Getfeedback or, providing that the user meets the accreditation requirements, can be managed in-house.
Customisable options
Can be branded to meet your requirements
Accreditation requirement
Require BPS Level A or Level B accreditation or Getfeedback can provide feedback on the report at an additional cost.
Recognition as a high quality tool
Conform to BPS and American Psychological Association guidelines.
Order Product
To order this product or for more information please contact: info@getfeedback.net
or call:
+44 (0) 333 090 2580
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Talent-in-a-box Managerial Staff Recruitment
Contets of the Talent-in-a-box for development – Sales Leader Reports produced:
Rust Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal (RANRA)
RANRA generates a report, a sample of which can be downloaded here.
Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Report
An overall score is provided showing the test taker’s percentile score against 5 key norm groups. Including UK General Population, Graduates, Development and Outplacement, Managers and Senior Management.
We have also recalibrated existing norm groups for use with the updated test version. Including legal specific groups such as Graduate applicants to Law Firms (UK)
Results are further broken down into 3 key areas:
- Recognising assumptions
- Evaluating arguments
- Drawing conclusions
Details of these breakdowns are provided in the standard narrative report produced — additional development and interview reports are also available.
To access a sample narrative report click here
To access a sample development report click here
To access a sample recruitment report click here
Orpheus Personality Questionnaire
The Orpheus personality questionnaire generates a narrative report, a sample of which can be downloaded here.
Intrinsic Motivation Test
Intrinsic test of motivation generates three different types of report; Selection, Development and the Professional Users chart. Samples can be downloaded here:
Selection Report
Development Report
Professional Users Report
At a glance
To provide a comprehensive assessment for selection
Target group
Managers and professionals
Approximately 120 minutes
Delivery options
Fully outsourced to be managed by Getfeedback or, providing that the user meets the accreditation requirements, can be managed in-house.
Customisable options
Can be branded to meet your requirements
Accreditation requirement
Require BPS Level A or Level B accreditation or Getfeedback can provide feedback on the report at an additional cost.
Recognition as a high quality tool
Conform to BPS and American Psychological Association guidelines.
Order Product
To order this product or for more information please contact: info@getfeedback.net
or call:
+44 (0) 333 090 2580