Executive Coaching and Development
Executive Coaching
The Getfeedback Executive Coaching team are results–orientated individuals with a genuine passion for making a difference to individuals, groups and organisations. Our team are skilled and experienced in business, psychology and coaching, which when combined provides a powerful coaching intervention:
- Business: our coaches come from a wide range of sectors and have personal experience in board, executive and/or non-executive roles.
- Psychology: our coaches are psychologically minded with a solid understanding of the psychology behind individual, team and organisational performance.
- Coaching: all our coaches are accredited by a well known body and have personal coaching supervisors.
Our Executive Coaches work with executives on a range of business and personal challenges including:
- Improving or formulating a new strategy
- Working through ethical issues and dilemmas
- Improving leadership capacity
- Working through conflict
- Transitioning in to a new role or making a career move
- Leading through change
Executive Team Coaching
As a response to the increasing demand from executives to improve the productivity and effectiveness of teams, Getfeedback have developed a model of Executive Team Coaching.
The method places the coach in a supporting role, developing trusting relationships at an individual and team level, in order to surface issues and support the team to develop deeper insights into their personal and group capability. The team coach is there to challenge and sustain the norms of the team and to develop in the team the capacity to challenge and sustain itself.
The team coaching approach is particularly effective when teams are required to lead substantial organisational transition e.g. Management Buy-Outs, handling the complexity of FSA Arrow Reports or major organisational re-structures.
Executive Development
Leading change can’t easily be taught rather it is experienced through the leadership role. To change an organisation requires that leaders become masters at changing themselves too. To become expert in anything requires purposeful practice – that is, working at what you can’t do to become what you want to be expert in. We believe this learning is best achieved by working with executives who are involved in leading and implementing change.
Our approach is to develop leaders to:
- Take up their role with potency but without being authoritarian
- Design disruptive interventions that stimulate new and creative thinking in groups and organisations undergoing change
- Think like a change leader, analysing and channelling the (often) unconscious dynamics and behaviours of individuals and groups, positively to create different ways of working
Sport as a Vehicle for Change
At Getfeedback, we have developed an experiential learning experience which uses Sport as a Vehicle for Change. Sport as a learning vehicle provides a dynamic and compelling learning environment to experience the dynamics of individual and group performance.
Our skilled facilitators and coaches enable individuals and groups to experience the positive and negative dynamics of inter and intra-group competition and collaboration; experiment with behaviours that enable groups to be effective; understand the direct consequences of authoritarian versus coaching leadership styles and how they can accelerate behavioural and organisational change.
If you require further information, please contact us on +44 (0) 3330902580 or via email at info@getfeedback.com.