Leadership Assessment and Development
Getfeedback strongly believe that there is no one size fits all model for a perfect leader. Successful leaders differ greatly in the skills, personalities and behaviours which have set them apart and helped them to excel in their fields. What great leaders do have in common is self-awareness. They understand where they can best use their strengths to drive an organisation forward and how to get the best out the people around them to compensate for any areas in which they may be lacking.
Schroder Framework of High Performance
Getfeedback recommends the Schroder model of High Performance when assessing and developing leaders. This highly robust and recognised behavioural framework has been researched and developed for over 20 years making it one of the most validated frameworks available.
The framework consists of 11 behaviours which have been linked with high performance in leaders at all levels and in many different industry sectors. The 11 behaviours span cognitive, interpersonal, directional and achieving dimensions and each behaviour is further defined by five levels. These range from negative use of the behaviour at level one, to an inspirational use of the behaviour at level five at which an individual is embedding a culture which supports and encourages others to use this behaviour within the organisation.
The Schroder Competencies Framework recognises that every individual has their own unique pattern of strengths and so a high performing leader is defined by the four or five behaviours within the framework at which they excel. In addition, the high performing leader will have no limitations. That is, they will not demonstrate negative use of the behaviours. Their impact on the organisation is positive at all times.
Leadership Development Centre
In our experience a Development Centre represents the most effective way to assess the leadership team, celebrate success and gain a deep understanding of your senior team’s capabilities, strengths and development needs whilst launching a positive programme of change across an organisation.
Our recommended model for development centres is to invite delegates to attend an event lasting 1.5 days and consisting of the following agenda:
This approach allows both the business and delegates to gain a thorough understanding of their strengths and development needs. The process would be designed to provide delegates with specific developmental feedback relevant to enhancing their current performance in role and achieve their future career aspirations.
Pre-Event Assessment
Psychometrics are completed prior to attending the event so that a benchmark can be created based on the scores from the Senior Leadership population and external data available; this can then be used to feed into the results of the other assessments to provide a holistic picture of the leaders and their strengths and development needs.
360 Degree Feedback
To most effectively and efficiently evaluate the development and seek evidence of actual behavioural change to correlate with performance metrics from the internal audit Getfeedback recommend running an online 360 degree feedback survey for every leader participating in the development programme pre and post-delivery.
Getfeedback can develop in close consultation with an organisation a bespoke 360 survey questionnaire that will be specifically designed to align with organisation’s culture and measure perceived performance against the company’s core competencies. Alternately Getfeedback’s Leader 360 feedback survey based on the Schroder Framework of High Performance can be instantly deployed and branded where necessary.
Event Day 1
Behavioural Event Interview
Behavioural Event Interviewing (an advanced form of structured interviewing) gathers evidence of past behaviour against a competency or behavioural framework. By asking someone to describe a past experience the interviewer is able to identify the behaviours that the applicant has demonstrated in the past rather than what they say they would demonstrate during a traditional interview.
Business Simulation
Getfeedback recommend including a business simulation as part of the development centre. The business simulation provides rich background information upon which delegates can make decisions, solve problems and demonstrate their ability to get the best from others. Participants are asked to conduct a number of simulated business tasks, which provide the opportunity to demonstrate their capability to manage and deliver exactly as they would in the work environment.
The simulation would consist of a background briefing pack provided to all delegates introducing them either to a fictional company, role and scenario, or a scenario based upon a real-life issue relevant to a specific strategic challenge for the organisation. The development centre would utilise an analytical exercise that would form the backbone to the delegates’ experience over the course of the day, interspersed with various other activities as the day goes by. Depending upon the specific objectives of the development centre, a number of exercises will be included to provide delegates with the best possible opportunity to demonstrate their strengths and limitations. Tasks typically fall into six main categories:
- Individual thinking
- Competitive group working
- Non-competitive group working
- Individual doing
- Management of others to deliver
- Organising systems to deliver
The variety of exercises ensures a thorough assessment and produces results that are both reliable and face valid. Our researched methodology has a proven reputation for delivering development centres that feel real, are engaging and present a challenge and an opportunity for participants to demonstrate their true strengths and foster cross team collaborations.
At Getfeedback we can develop a business simulation tailored to your organisation or we can run an “off the shelf” event incorporating one of our ready-made business simulations.
Development Planning and Feedback
This session would take place on the morning of day 2 and would be expected to last 90 minutes and would take each delegate through their reports, help them to make sense of the data and link it to the priorities of their role and future aspirations.
Leadership Development
Once the development centre has been completed Getfeedback can provide a range of services to help develop the behaviours identified at the development centre and to transform your leaders into high performing figureheads for your organisation.
Our development services include:
Executive Coaching
A coaching programme consisting of 1 session once a month for 6 months that will be specifically focused on developing the weaknesses identified during the assessment centre. All our coaches are highly flexible and capable of modifying the way in which they deliver to ensure that the audience on the day gains maximum value from the sessions. The considerable experience many of our coaches have gained overtime, with clients, provides invaluable experience of delivering effective leadership programmes. Getfeedback prefer to introduce coaches to a client in advance, whenever possible to ensure a good cultural fit.
Development Courses
Getfeedback’s development courses focus on skill development as well as knowledge with more emphasis on skill practice rather than classroom learning. Our development courses are structured with pre-developed materials and agenda and with the courses being led by the tour but are still informal allow for flexibility and 2 way interaction between trainers and participants. Our development courses are great for delivering training to develop a specific behaviour or skill to group of individuals where has been identified as a skills gap.
Facilitated Workshops
Getfeedback’s facilitated workshops focus on delegates finding their own solutions. They are very much delegate led with the facilitator asking questions to help the participants explore issues more deeply and find solutions within the group. Facilitated workshops are informal and fluid and are perfect for teams of high performing individuals looking to solve business critical issues or develop new ways of working more effectively.
Find Out More
To discuss your requirements or how Getfeedback can help you assess and develop your leadership team call us on 03330902580 or email us at info@getfeedback.net.