360 Feedback
Improving performance with feedback
360 degree feedback surveys provide a unique opportunity for individuals and organisations to gain an insight into what has made them successful in the past and what they need to do to be more successful in the future. Getfeedback has 12 years of expertise in designing and running 360 degree feedback surveys online. For the last 10 years we have provided small and large organisations with leading edge, user-friendly 360 degree feedback surveys and comprehensive reports on their people.
Getfeedback's 360 reports are designed to present the results of the survey clearly, concisely, and in a way that is easy for an individual to understand where their strengths and development areas lie. For more information on our 360 degree feedback reports click here.
We provide surveys for people at all levels, including senior leaders and managers. We can present feedback directly to the individual, or we can train you to deliver the feedback. You can choose an off the shelf 360 degree feedback survey, or we can design a bespoke 360 degree feedback survey for you.
- What is 360 degree feedback?
- The benefits of 360 degree feedback
- Why choose Getfeedback?
- Choosing an off the shelf survey
- When to choose a bespoke survey
- What is the 360 feedback process?
- Take a virtual tour of our 360 degree feedback survey
Further information on our 360 degree feedback surveys