Employee Engagement Surveys
Research suggests employees are less engaged than we sometimes think they are. This is not trivial. Unengaged employees underperform. They can sabotage change programmes and initiative. Engaged employees go the extra mile. They’ll sometimes run a marathon for you and enjoy every step.
Our surveys allow employees to rate the performance of the organisation as an employer. This is gold dust. Once you know what your employees really think we provide the support to ensure employees are re-engaged!
What is engagement and why is it important?
There is no official definition of engagement. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) defines it as a “combination of commitment to the organisation and its values plus a willingness to help out colleagues (organisational citizenship). It goes beyond job satisfaction and is not simply motivation. Engagement is something the employee has to offer: it cannot be ‘required’ as part of the employment contract”.
Research has repeatedly demonstrated that there is a strong link between the way people are managed, their attitudes and their company’s performance. Engaged employees can enhance key performance factors such as productivity, attendance, customer focus, employee satisfaction and employee retention. It is no surprise therefore that employee engagement is increasingly being monitored and reported on by organisations.
Engaging employees is even more important during an economic downturn. Whether you have to downsize, restructure or grow your organisation, you will need to make sure that your employees understand and are behind the new company strategy. The people who understand the company’s vision - and how it is changing - are more likely to demonstrate the innovation and creativity that will be needed to forge ahead when the upturn comes.
So, if engagement equals higher business performance and lower attrition, and this is coupled with the benefits of getting people ready to lead the organisation out of the downturn, improving engagement seems an obvious strategy to deploy.
Our approach to measuring engagement
- Your engagement survey is your tool to deliver your strategy. We will spend time with you understanding what you are setting out to achieve and what you need to demonstrate
- We will then construct the survey structure and questions in such a way that the salient issues are clearly addressed. We will also draw from our expertise in surveying by checking against our well researched bank of questions to ensure that the questions are formulated in such a way that they can be cross checked and verified
- We will make the survey accessible online, via a user-friendly web platform. Results are totally anonymous and the access and the data is secure. At any point in time you will know how many people have completed the questionnaire. And our team can help with any questions you may have
- When you are ready for the results we will compile a full report for you. Using our expertise in strategy and people psychology, we will advise on the salient actions which not only require priority attention but which will also produce the biggest impact
- We will help you communicate the results to your people and devise an action plan, if you would like us to
- And, finally, we will work with you year on year to help you utilise your engagement surveys to develop the issues being discussed, from simple motivational hygiene factors to more strategic issues.
I need to understand which areas to focus on that will give us the greatest impact
Why us?
Getfeedback has a track record in developing online engagement surveys.
We are experts in designing employee engagement surveys
- We are talent managers. We understand where engagement fits as part of your talent life cycle. Our surveys form part of a set of solutions dedicated to helping organisations improve their performance through people. So we will ensure that your engagement strategy fits as part of your overall organisational objectives
- Our surveys are created by our occupational psychologists who will devise the right questions and who will draw from a well-researched and validated bank of questions which we have put together over many years
- Our reports are designed to draw out the salient actions which will have the biggest impact. Our expertise in occupational psychology enables us to relate the data to people and investigate areas of concern. You will get a clear and concise report highlighting the key drivers that will make a real difference. Our occupational psychologists can assist you in designing an action plan to communicate the results back to your employees and embed change in your organisation.
We are technical innovators
- We were one of the first HR consultancies to introduce surveys online linking people strategy with cutting-edge technology. Our tools have been used by hundreds of HR specialists and board members. They are very quick to set up and user friendly
- Our tool suits organisations of all sizes, whether you have 100 or 100,000 employees. We can survey in over 30 languages and we are bound by the UK and European data protection acts.
Our customer service is second-to-none
- We consistently receive excellent feedback about our customer service team. We are available to answer your questions and guide you through any stage of the process.
How can I ensure that I survey my people in the most effective way?
So, whether you already have your own set of questions you want to use or you want us to design these for you, we have the answer.
Of course, running a survey isn’t just about the information it gives you; it is also a great demonstration of your commitment to understanding your staff. So to discuss how you can improve engagement in your organisation please email us at info@getfeedback.net or call us on 03330 902 580.